“One day there will be no borders, no boundaries, no flags and no countries and the only passport will be the heart” ― Carlos Santana
The University of Utah Faculty Club is a gathering place for those who enjoy meeting other members of the University of Utah faculty from both the main and health sciences center campus in casual comfortable surroundings to enjoy food, drink and camaraderie. The Faculty Club is a group of individuals who meet on a monthly basis to mingle and share our experiences. Our group has over 250 members, and we have activities planned to allow us to get to know our University, and each other.
We host Socials most months during the academic year. We meet on the first Friday of each month at 5:00 pm in the Marriott University Park Hotel in Research Park on Wakara Way.
The December Holiday Party includes dinner and a white elephant gift exchange. Our boisterous end of year business meeting includes a full dinner.
One of our longest‐standing traditions is planning and hosting the Children’s Holiday Party for all University‐related kids. Balloon animals, singing, dancing, theatrical productions, magic show and crafts – we host it all!
We partner with Utes Basketball, Gymnastics and Volleyball programs, as well as Arts and Theater departments to sponsor activities for faculty club members. Kingsbury Hall and Pioneer Theater have gotten in on the act, as has the Chamber Music Society of SLC! We’ve planted the seeds for fun with Red Butte Gardens.
The University of Utah Faculty Club affiliated with the Marriott University Park Hotel in 2014. Through this affiliation Faculty Club members can enjoy many amenities of the Hotel at a reduced rate, e.g., all food at a 20% discount, reduced cost hotel stays, and many other amenities.
New Faculty, Experienced Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, join us!
July 2015: A special evening with a special discount for Faculty Club members and guests; Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night at the Babcock Theater on July 17th. The gathering began with snacks, beverages. Tickets for faculty club members were only $5, a huge discount from the usual $15 for faculty and seniors!
Cabin Trip ‐ August 2015 (to be announced)
First social of the Academic year – September 11th.
Invitation to you and your significant other to all Faculty Club events
Yearly Children’s Party – show your community involvement
Adults’ Christmas Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange
Discount (20%) on all Marriott Hotel meals
Discount on Marriott Hotel stay University of Utah Faculty Club
Some of the reasons people join a social club!
Social: It is great way to meet great people and have a lot of fun.
Growth: Members in clubs/organizations encourage and support your personal growth. Enrichment: Being part of a faculty‐run club or organization is an enriching experience. You owe it to yourself to at least try it out. Volunteer: For philanthropic reasons.
Networking: You will have the opportunity to meet and network with other people with similar and diverse interests.
President: Joseph Cunniff, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, (Joseph.Cunniff@hsc.utah.edu) Past President and President‐elect: Judith Warner, Ophthalmology (Judith.warner@hsc.utah.edu)
Treasurer: Dave Morrison, Marriott Library, (dave.morrison@utah.edu)
Secretary: Gillian Tufts, Nursing, (gillian.tufts@nurs.utah.edu)
John Burton, Family and Consumer Studies, (johnburton850@msn.com)
David Pendell, Art/Art History, (davidann@sisna.com)
Arthur Lipman, Pharmacotherapy, (Arthur.Lipman@utah.edu)
Ashok Tuteja, Gastroenterology, (ashok.tuteja@hsc.utah.edu)
Alison Crum, Ophthalmology, (alison.crum@hsc.utah.edu)
Eleanor Divver‐Shields, Health Promotion & Education, (edivver@utah.gov)
Xan Johnson, Theater, (xan.s.johnson@utah.edu)
Patrick Shea, Biology, (pas@patrickashea.com)
Click Here to Join The University of Utah Faculty Club!
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